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Thursday, October 13, 2011

looking back

if u look at my profile u will see that i wrote i am a final year student of chemical engineering and bla bla bla :)
i am wearing this white tee with red collar and smiling . I was at home after finishing ma 3rd year and was happy. I dont know why !! maybe because i was with ma parents , my brother who is growing very fast, my sister who will always keep on talking :)
i have shown ma industry as a student and my hometown to be yamnanagar , delhi , assam and see where i am now ..
working in ITC FOODS DIVISION in nagpur , maharashtra.. today is 14.10.2011 and i am trying to look backwards to know what have i missed in ma whole life..
had it been good that i didnt do medical ? maybe good because i knew my real self....what i liked most, what i hated most..but still unsure as to what i should do .... just going round and round , like when i was a kid and stopping by to see the world revolve .. ha h aha
it was so much fun !!

Also i remember how deuta (DAD) would carry me and run to catch the bus.. that was the most amazing moment because i would love to feel the gush of wind in ma face. We didnt have any vehicle at that time... no car , no bike , no scooter.... only running would make me feel the gush of wind...i used to forget my school bag always , while always remembering my pink double boxed tiffin. i used to play drums on it. i liked it very much because mom would make delicious food and i would just think about the recess time and oops !! the bag has been left out in the bus :)

so much to say , i will continue after a while...

to my friend on his birthday

on this birthday i will wish u on behalf of :
1.the street where we used to play cricket
2.the parks where we enjoyed to fullest
3.the walls of school, who supported us during our punishment
4.the school playground, where we coudnt make the ball reachthe half line, but dont know when time passed and the ball started reaching the quarters
5.the streetlight post who supported us learning cycle and sitting on it.
6.the recess, when we would steal each others tiffin (its loot actually)
7.the corridor, where the voices of our ignorant chuckles could still be heard.

and last but not the least from myself.....happy bday buddy .. miss u :)