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Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Deep beneath, the bed of the sea, there is fire burning in the heart of the Earth. It tries to come out of  fissures,
present or through crevices. If the crevices are not large enough, the lava will flow out, and then cool down,
blocking the way for further spitting of lava thus making the volcanoes dormant. The lava has to come out
at the right moment, so that, it can flow out to the Earth, cool down, and then provide land and stones to
the mankind.

In the same way, there is fire burning within every human, but, he shouldnt let the fire come out in every
small fissure he finds in his life.This will make him dormant for the rest of his life.
Instead give directions to the fire through the right fissure so that,
it can come out in productive manner to serve the mankind.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Escaping nights without you,

With shadows on the wall,

My mind is running wild,

Trying hard not to fall,

You told me that you love me,

But say, I'm just a friend,

My heart is broken up into pieces,

Coz I know,

I'll never free my soul,

It's trapped between true love and being alone,

When my eyes are closed,

The greatest story told,

I woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor...

Why oh ! why,

Tell me why not me,

Why oh ! why,

We were meant to be,

Baby i know i could be all you need,

Why oh ! why oh ! why,

I wanna love you,

If you only knew how much I love you,

So why not me...

The day after tomorrow,

I'll still be around,

To catch you when you fall,

And never let you down,

You say that we're forever,

Our love will never end,

I've tried to come up,

But it's drowning me to know,

You'll never free my soul................

Thursday, October 13, 2011

looking back

if u look at my profile u will see that i wrote i am a final year student of chemical engineering and bla bla bla :)
i am wearing this white tee with red collar and smiling . I was at home after finishing ma 3rd year and was happy. I dont know why !! maybe because i was with ma parents , my brother who is growing very fast, my sister who will always keep on talking :)
i have shown ma industry as a student and my hometown to be yamnanagar , delhi , assam and see where i am now ..
working in ITC FOODS DIVISION in nagpur , maharashtra.. today is 14.10.2011 and i am trying to look backwards to know what have i missed in ma whole life..
had it been good that i didnt do medical ? maybe good because i knew my real self....what i liked most, what i hated most..but still unsure as to what i should do .... just going round and round , like when i was a kid and stopping by to see the world revolve .. ha h aha
it was so much fun !!

Also i remember how deuta (DAD) would carry me and run to catch the bus.. that was the most amazing moment because i would love to feel the gush of wind in ma face. We didnt have any vehicle at that time... no car , no bike , no scooter.... only running would make me feel the gush of wind...i used to forget my school bag always , while always remembering my pink double boxed tiffin. i used to play drums on it. i liked it very much because mom would make delicious food and i would just think about the recess time and oops !! the bag has been left out in the bus :)

so much to say , i will continue after a while...

to my friend on his birthday

on this birthday i will wish u on behalf of :
1.the street where we used to play cricket
2.the parks where we enjoyed to fullest
3.the walls of school, who supported us during our punishment
4.the school playground, where we coudnt make the ball reachthe half line, but dont know when time passed and the ball started reaching the quarters
5.the streetlight post who supported us learning cycle and sitting on it.
6.the recess, when we would steal each others tiffin (its loot actually)
7.the corridor, where the voices of our ignorant chuckles could still be heard.

and last but not the least from myself.....happy bday buddy .. miss u :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

time travel on phone....

A page from my friend’s diary……….

She is my best friend, maybe because we share common thoughts and I love her a lot. She is the apple of my eye. She was at her home and I was chatting with her on phone from my college. I asked her to look at the night sky.

“it is beautiful, especially because there is a powercut in Delhi..”, she said.

“Well here there is electricity and I am talking to you, so , I could imagine nothing other than being with you and holding your hand. And…. Hey…. Where are u lost?”

Then she started,

“ when I was a child , I used to go to my village somewhere in Haryana I don’t remember now. I loved my granny very much, so I used to be with her during the entire summer vacation. In the morning granny used to feed the pigeons cereals and I used to have fun with them too. After that I would make my granny bride. Used to comb her hair, make her wear clothes and put different lipsticks. It was fun… are u listening?”

“I am very much with you sweetie. Just trying to imagine things alonwith. Carry on sugar..”

“ yeah better be attentive.” She smiles

“ I don’t remember many instances like this because I was a kid, but tonight this darkness has brought an instance to my mind. It was a hot summer night. There was no moon and thus the sky was bright with twinkling stars. I was lay down on my mom’s lap and she was fanning me. I looked at the stars and tried to speak to them. Mom , dad and granny were having a conversation which was not of my interest. I was staring at the shining stars and drowned into sleep. So good it was, to be kid , to have no tensions of any kind. Isn’t it? And the sky it was so clear at that time. Nw pollution has enveloped the sky with dust and today I can hardly see any stars.”

Very true sweetie. Come to Assam sometime. I will show you the stars. It is still clear there. Don’t know till when, but for now it is clear..”

So what are you planning to do next ?

“ me? i…..”

And the conversation lasted for another hour, and finally her battery died. Then I switched off my lights, and thought how good it was when I was a kid and used to visit my village. Used to go on cycle to the village centre with my uncle and he used to buy me a toffee everytime. Now demands have increased. Instead of toffee kids want chocolate , want to goto movies and water park in summer vacations instead of their village. Living in city has become a status, hardly any relatives are visited except on some need or in family get togethers where no one leaves a stone unturned to show their pompousness.

Any how life is long . tomorrow morning again I have to start a new day, forgetting all the sorrows and dejection of yesterday. Because everyone has the right to live.


Monday, April 5, 2010

really nice song by cold play

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People couldn't believe what I'd become

Revolutionaries wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



Is this what you say when u see something wonderful? Perhaps yes. And so do i. and maybe million others do the same as like you do. What is wonderful actually?

It’s something which makes you wonder but is that so easy to describe? May be not because its an adjective. How do u define truth ? or god, or million other words like these? We cannot simply. It’s a matter of ones perspective. But something wonderful is something which makes u gasp. Telephone when it was invented , it was wonderful, it was something which people would have never imagined upon but look at it now. Its so common that no one would wonder at it except some( and those are the people with high imaginations who wants to know how it really works).

“Wonderful is something which brings change.”

It may bring change to someones heart. If we see some sight or some sculpture or anything which brings happiness to us we wonder and we say; “WOW!”

If someone is bringing good change to this world which is affecting us or doing something different it is wonderful to us.

Everyone is capable of doing something good. Everone of us can make someone smile. It may not affect the world but it can surely bring smile to ur elatives or parents or ur best friend or most importantly it may bring smile to nobody but just u urself. That’s wonderful and we can say wow to ourself.

Life doesn’t depend on whether you can carry out your dreams or not but how you can be making your work the best so that it becomes someone else’s dream.

So friends. Wow. We are great. We just need to know what we can be great at.